
Prequel Coding
1 min readSep 14, 2021

Why is Python easy to learn?

  1. Python is a scripting language designed in 1991.
  2. It is mainly used in application development, web development, and also is plays a key role in data sciences and machine learning.
  3. Python is also a highly interpreted general purpose programming language.
  4. Its design philosophy improves the readability of the code with indentations.
  5. It is also a user friendly programming language which helps a novice user to get through the concepts thoroughly.
  6. It is a OOP’S language which helps us to bundle bulk data into individual property.
  7. It is a case-sensitive programming language.
  8. The codes written in python are very easy to understand and execute also.

Let’s see a basic example:

y = 2
x = 2
print(x + y)

In C, Java or any other programming language we will have to define class and specify pre-processor for getting the output but in python we will not have to declare these type of conditions.

This makes the developer to code less and also save time of the developer.

So let’s see what will be its output.

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